Sacred Heart is excited to announce the release of our own parish app. This new app will be available for parishioners to download on both Apple iPhones and Android phones.
We expect the features and capabilities of our new app to foster a stronger sense of community and faith in the daily lives of all parishioners. Sacred Heart will be able to communicate quick and easy with all parishioners via messages and notifications to keep you in the loop with what is going on in our church. You will then be able to quickly reply to messages or RSVP for upcoming events.
Other features will include:
– the daily readings read at Mass
– the latest Catholic news from around the world
– an easy-to-reference list of Catholic prayers with prayer requests
– a helpful examination of conscience and next confession reminder
– a reminder feature called “Mass Mode,” for Mass and confession
– and much more
As you can see, this app offers a lot of capabilities for improving parish communication and serving as a faith building resource. It is well thought out and should become a real asset to complement our daily faith lives.
To download our parish App:
Simply text App to phone number 88202, or visit
The Rosary Sodality conducted a collection of items for the Pregnancy Support Services on March 8th thru 14th. Items collected were: Diapers, wipes, baby spampoo etc. (See Parish Event Photos to see pictures)
The staff at Sacred Heart and I wanted to thank all the parishioners who participated in this year’s Sacred Heart Giving Tree
Effort. In our third year of partnering with the Frank and Rosemary Iovieno Caring for Children Foundation (Caring for Children),
this year’s Giving Tree Effort was once again a tremendous success. Collectively the Sacred Heart Parish was able to help 28
Children that are part of 15 Berkshire-based families. (Please see Parish Event Photos to view pictures)
1,876.00 was raised for the Youth Ministry Program. (Please go to Parish Event Photos to see pictures)
Congratulations to: Christian Barry, Jack Bellefontaine, Brenna Bellefontaine, Stella Carnevale, Carter J. Choquette,
Kathryn Lynn Czarnecki, Andrew Hammill, Delayna Helms, Jack Hicks, Sara Isby, Ryan Stannard and Gavin Lynch, our Sacred Heart Students who received The Holy Spirit in Confirmation on Sunday, May 19th. This was held at St Joseph's Church with all other area parishes. (See group photo - under Parish Event Photos)
Our 1st Communion was held on Saurday, May 4th. Check photos for a picture of the communicants!
Our Easter Egg Hunt was held on Easter Sunday. Please check "Parish Event Photos" for pictures.
The 2nd Annual St Josepoh Pantry Food Drive is the weekend of March 2nd & 3rd. The specific food items are listed below:
We are pleased to announce that we will be
collecting food for the St. Joseph Food Pantry.
Your specific food item is based on the first letter
of your last name, listed below:
A-B - Peanut Butter, Tuna Fish, Toilet Paper & Paper
Towels, Bar Soaps
C-D - Soups, Stew, Spaghettios, Baked Beans,
E-F - Cereal, Crackers, Mac & Cheese (box), Spaghetti
Sauce (plastic jars)
G-H - Canned Fruits/Vegetables, Baked Beans, Spaghetti
Sauce (plastic jars)
I-J - Tuna Fish, Canned Chicken, Peanut Butter,
K-L - Canned Fruits/Vegetables, Baked Beans, Instant
M-N - Spaghetti, Spaghetti Sauce (plastic jars), Soup,
Macaroni & Cheese (box)
O-P - Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Tea, Jello & Pudding,
Granola Bars
Q-R - Canned Fruits/Vegetables, Soup, Crackers
S-T - Cereal, Prepared Dinners, Stew, Hash
U-V - Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Napkins, Bar Soap
W-X - Soups, Crackers, Rice or Pasta Side Dishes
Y-Z - Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate, Jello & Pudding,
Granola Bars
Please bring your food donation to Sacred Heart Church
and place in front of the altar on
Saturday, March 2nd and Sunday, March 3rd
The Giving Tree was a tremendous success! Sacred Heart was able to support 25 children.(see pictures under 'Parish Event Photos' )
Christmas Vigil Mass with Fr. Steve. (Please go to Parish Event Photos to see Pictures)
On December 3rd, Sunday at 1 pm
Mary Verdi, Charles Tokarz, Jon Haddad, Dalton Ballet and Sacred heart Choir
Please join us for Christmas Joy and kick-off your Holiday with Song!
This year's Bake Sale was a great success! Thank you to all the bakers and volunteers. Check out the photos under Parish Event Photos
The song about our Blessed Mother Mary's apparitions was written by Mary and features students from St Mary's, St Agnes, & St Stanislaus. It was taped at the National Shrine of Devine Mercy, Stockbridge.
You can watch this music video, under Parish Event Photos (above). On other devices, use the this link:
The Sacred Heart Faith Formation students collected 403 cereal for the South Commmunity Food Pantry.
Please click on Parish Event Photos Above.
Please Click on Parish Event Photos Above
Easter Sunday, April 9th
Easter Egg Hunt
Sacred Heart Church 1st Annual
Following the 10:30 M ass
Come join the fun at the school gymnasium
Bring your own basket or bag
Come join the fun!
Please check out the pictures under Parish Event Photos
Mary Verdi and the St. Agnes Academy have just released a new music video, "Every Praise". Click on the link below or go to and search Mary Verdi and it is on the top of her video.
Please see Parish Event Photos for pictures of this event.
On Sunday, December 4th Mary Verdi held a wonderful concert at Sacred Heart Church. This event was free and open to all and featured Ben Kohn, Eileen Markland, Charles Tokarz, George Skidd and Allen Pugieli.
Please check out pictures under Parish Event Photos
“It is our mission to seek out and help those in need” In the spirit of Blessed Frederic Ozanam
Sacred Heart Church has a committee known as the “Friends of St. Vincent de Paul”. Should you need financial assistance, please know that everything is totally confidential.
Contact FSVD at (413)443-6960 ext139
Should you not be able to attend church during these trying times, we you to stay connected via televised masses:
Sunday - 'Chalice of Salvation'
6:00 AM - WXXA Fox 23 Albany
10:00 AM - WWLP - 22 News
You may also enjoy: Bishop Barron—Daily Mass
Today more than ever, it is important to strengthen our communication within our parish. On-line and digital engagement provides us a wonderful opportunity to provide on-going, timely and important communications. Please help us develop a stronger connection to you, by simply submitting your e-mail address to:
We are in need of people to pray for our prayer line intentions. We have a prayer line every week or so. You can receive a list either by phone or e-mail, of the first names and their prayer request. All we ask is that you pray for these people and their intentions. If interested, please call the Parish Office at (413)443-6960
Telephone Number (413)443-6960
Parish Office 56 Newell Street, Pittsfield, MA
Sacred Heart Church